Tuesday, September 19, 2006

My grandmother is a rocket and the other lies my parents told me

I Died for Love
Originally uploaded by *Snado*.
This is first and foremost a story about love and family. A battery of people will yell and scream about a parent who lies to their children, but I think of it as a lie akin to Santa Claus. It's a lie of imagination...it changes nothing for me about my grandmother, in fact it makes me love her more. maybe its a story about family ties or the meaning of truth. why did they tell me that? I remember probably when I was 18 saying something to my grandmother, very offhand, about her being a rockette, and she laughed and couldn;t believe I remembered. not only did I remember but I had told everyone all my life. How did they not know that I kept that information as truth. And why did it only make me laugh to know that it wasn't true.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Marketing Mean

Why t-shirts bother me...

Cult of mean

Bulliness...we encourage kids to ACT not like bullies but then market meanness

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

This is an old story but I find it whenever I google myself

(sent this to Matt and Julie on November 3, 2004, one day after Dubya's reelection.)

Hope is on the way
posted 11/03/04 (edited Wednesday, Nov 03, 2004 10:56) bookmark

Not sure who wrote this as it came as an email forward, but I will attribute it to the top person on the list: Sacha Adorno


Listen, don't despair! Hope is on the way!

Kerry is the president of PA and my newly founded United States of Smart People: PA, NY, CA, MI and all the others that went for Kerry. We will allow gay marriage and rework the Patriot Act. We will appoint our own supreme court and overturn the environmental policies of the president of the United States of Idiots. We will also have healthcare for all and flood the public schools with money. We will rework the tax system to be equitable. We will invest in the future of all children in our nation and help their families grow stronger. We will forge new, even better alliances with the rest of the world, and send our well equipped soldiers into just wars (after they help us clean up Iraq). We will go after the terrorists who strike us and not settle personal family vendettas. We will do fair business. We will create a legitimate voting process. We will also have election day off. (Also, since I am the founder, I say we will only work four days a week, implement siestas, and everyone can bring their dogs to work.) We won't need affirmative action because our citizens run fair workplaces. We will plant forests and stop toxic waste. Bruce will write our National Anthem and cable will be free...

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Made my day

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

X, the dog

I think he needs to be a mutt.
a. cause mutts are the best and need love
b. cause it makes the case for him not to be accepted by the other dogs in the fancy dog park.

Am I taking this story from somewhere? Have I read it before and how does one research that?

Monday, September 04, 2006

Story idea

X was a lonely dog. He stayed home all day alone. Owners worked. One morning while they were gone. Forgot to lock the gate. He snuck out. Excited at first but no one would play with him. At the supermarket…in the park…no dogs….barber shop…he saw a water bowl outside a coffee shop. They must like dogs he thought, but the bowl was empty and dried out leaves meant no dogs had been there for a long time. Even the dog park he couldn’t get into – the dogs were fancier and the gate was closed – he was an outsider dog. So he started to go home. Sadly. He walked. Ears perked up when he saw a cat that looked lonely too….Or a man on a bench….

Friday, September 01, 2006


motherfucker! motherfucker! M O T H E R F U C K E R!!! motherfuckermotherfucker! MOTHERFUCKER! MotherFUCKer! Motherfuckermotherfuckermotherfuckermotherfucker. motherfucker motherFUCKER!! Motherfucker. Mothermothergoddamnwhatthefuckiswrongwithpeopleshit. MOTHERfucker! motherfuckermotherfuckermotherfucker! un FUCKING believable. motherfuckermotherfucker.